Wood, Laminate and Cork Laminate Flooring
Formaldehyde emission standards information:
European formaldehyde emission standards as well as the California Air Resource Board Phase 2 CARB Formaldehyde Emission Standards and the Japanese Emission Standards JIS/JAS F**** are more stringent and would therefore be preferred over those that only meet E1 or E0 standards.*
Composite Wood Products ATCM - California Environmental Protection Agency
E0 is an updated version of E1 with much more stringent standards requiring formaldehyde emissions to be equal to or less than 0.07ppm. Therefore, composite wood products such as bamboo flooring, laminate flooring, or engineered hardwood flooring that meet E0 standards would be considered a safer, greener choice than those that only meet E1 standards. That said, E1 standards are equivalent to those set forth by the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and are often used in engineered hardwood and laminate floors that are deemed by manufacturers as "eco–friendly".
*Source - GreenBlog
EcoFloors compliant products are:
On December 4th 1990 leading European carpet manufacturers founded the Association of Environmentally Friendly Carpets e.V. (Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden) - GUT, in Aachen (Germany).
The aim of GUT is to improve continuously all environmental and consumer protection aspects throughout the life cycle of a textile floor covering (from production to installation, to use phase and recycling).
The European carpet industry has revolutionized environmental standards for the flooring industry, by creating GUT and continuously upgrading GUT's environmental goals. In Cooperation with officially recognized European test houses registered products are regularly controlled on the basis of GUT's test criteria.
Furthermore GUT promotes environmentally friendly solutions for the installation of carpets and provides objective information on all aspects of carpets. The intensive product testing on chemicals and emissions is the basis for ensuring consumer safety.
Detailed information on testing methods, testing criteria and annual inspections can be found on the following pages.
GUT testing includes:
Comparison of the current VOC requirements for floor coverings in Germany, France and the USA (2011)
Clearing The Air:
Although we might not normally associate carpet with improved indoor air quality, it does have a very positive effect. Gravity causes common household particles, such as dust, pollen and pet and insect dander, to fall to the floor. Carpet fibers trap the particles, removing them from the breathing zone and reducing their circulation in the air. Proper cleaning with CRI-approved vacuums effectively removes dust and allergens from the carpet and helps keep them out of the air we breathe.
Asthma and Allergies:
A misperception is that people with asthma and allergies should avoid carpet in the home. Actually, the opposite is true. Studies have shown that properly cleaned carpet helps reduce symptoms and is the best flooring choice for those dealing with asthma and allergies.
Mold and VOC misperceptions:
When carpet is kept clean and dry, mold simply cannot grow on synthetic fibers. Carpet is recognized as one of the lowest emitters of volatile organic compounds among various flooring choices and interior finishes. The Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Indoor Air Quality Standard identifies carpet, adhesive and cushion products that meet or exceed government indoor air quality regulations and are the lowest emitting products on the market.